**Due To: 词汇释义与用法**


"Due to" 是一个英语短语,主要用来表示原因或起因,意为“由于”、“因为”。它强调的是直接的原因,通常用于正式或书面语境。


"Due to" is an English phrase primarily used to indicate causation or reason, meaning "because of" or "owing to". It emphasizes a direct cause and is commonly employed in formal or written contexts.


1. **在句子开头:**

   - **Due to** the heavy rain, the football match was postponed.

   - 由于下大雨,足球比赛被推迟了。

2. **在句子中间:**

   - Her failure was **due to** lack of preparation.

   - 她的失败是由于准备不足。

3. **在从句中:**

   - The project could not be completed on time **due to** unexpected technical issues.

   - 由于出现意外的技术问题,项目无法按时完成。

4. **与"the fact that"连用:**

   - His promotion was denied **due to the fact that** he had been absent for too many days.

   - 他因为缺勤太多天,所以升职被拒。


1. **Because of:**

   - "Because of" 和 "due to" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,都表达因果关系。然而,"because of" 更口语化,适合所有语境。

   例句:She missed the train **because of** the traffic jam.


2. **Owing to:**

   - "Owing to" 与 "due to" 意思相同,但比 "due to" 稍显正式,两者常可替换。

   例句:Owing to his hard work, he achieved success.


3. **As a result of:**

   - 这个短语也表示因果关系,但更强调结果,而不仅仅是原因。

   例句:As a result of the accident, he lost his leg.


4. **Thanks to:**

   - 虽然 "thanks to" 通常用于表示感激的原因,但它也可以表示因果关系,带有正面的含义。

   例句:Thanks to your help, I passed the exam.
