## 1. "Drop by" 释义与用法

**中文解释:** "Drop by" 是一个非正式的短语,通常用来表示“顺便访问”或“不期而至”。它指的是某人未经预约或事先通知就临时决定去拜访朋友、同事或某个地方。

**英文解释:** "Drop by" is an informal expression that means to make a brief, unexpected visit to someone's house, office, or any place without prior arrangement.


1. I'll drop by your place after work to return the book you lent me. (下班后我会顺道去你家还你借我的书。)

2. She often drops by my office for a chat during her lunch break. (她经常在午休时顺便来我办公室聊天。)

**同义词辨析:** "Visit" 或 "Pop in" 可以作为 "Drop by" 的同义词,但 "Visit" 更正式,而 "Pop in" 也更非正式,更强调突然性和短暂性。

## 2. "Drop in" 释义与用法

**中文解释:** "Drop in" 与 "Drop by" 类似,也意味着“顺便来访”或“不打招呼地拜访”。这个短语同样用于描述非正式、临时的访问。

**英文解释:** Similar to "drop by," "drop in" also signifies making an informal, unscheduled visit to someone. It is used when someone visits briefly without prior notice.


1. You're always welcome to drop in whenever you're in the neighborhood. (你随时路过这附近都可以进来坐坐。)

2. They decided to drop in on their neighbors to introduce their new baby. (他们决定顺便拜访邻居,给他们看他们的新生儿。)

**同义词辨析:** "Visit" 和 "Call in" 可以与 "Drop in" 换用,但 "Call in" 在某些情况下可能暗示电话访问,而非实际的到访。

## 总结

"Drop by" 和 "Drop in" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,都表示非正式的、突然的拜访。它们都是口语化的表达,适用于日常对话和非正式场合。然而,如果需要更正式的表述,可以使用 "visit",而如果要强调更随意、短暂的访问,"pop in" 或 "call in" 可能更为恰当。理解这些短语的细微差别有助于更准确地表达你的意图。