**cut up**


1. **切碎,剁碎**:将物体分割成小块或碎片。例如:I cut up the vegetables for the salad.(我把蔬菜切碎做沙拉。)

2. **猛烈批评,恶作剧**:对某人进行无情的指责或开不适当的玩笑。例如:The children cut up their teacher with their misbehavior.(孩子们用他们的顽皮行为戏弄老师。)

3. **使伤心,使痛苦**:使某人感到深深的悲痛或痛苦。例如:His harsh words really cut her up.(他苛刻的话语真的让她心痛。)


1. *Cut up* 通常用作不及物动词短语,后面可以直接跟宾语,如“cut up the meat”(切肉)。

2. 当表示“猛烈批评”时,可以使用被动语态,如 “He was cut up by the critics.”(他被评论家猛烈批评了。)

3. 在口语中,“cut it up”有时用于鼓励某人继续开玩笑或嬉闹,例如:“Go ahead, cut it up, guys!”(来吧,尽情嬉闹吧,伙计们!)


1. The chef expertly cut up the chicken into bite-sized pieces.(厨师熟练地把鸡肉切成一口大小的块。)

2. The students were cutting up during recess, making the teacher lose her temper.(学生们在课间休息时恶作剧,让老师生气了。)

3. The news of her father's death really cut her up; she couldn't stop crying.(她父亲去世的消息让她非常伤心,她不停地哭泣。)


1. **chop**: 强调用力地砍或剁,常用于切割较硬的物质,如肉或木材。例如:I chopped down the tree with an axe.(我用斧头砍倒了树。)

2. **tear apart**: 除了有物理上的撕裂,还有感情上的撕裂,如情感上的痛苦。例如:Their disagreement tore their friendship apart.(他们的分歧撕裂了他们的友谊。)

3. **bash**: 常用来描述粗暴地打碎或破坏,带有暴力色彩。例如:The kids bashed up the old toy car.(孩子们把旧玩具车砸坏了。)

4. **mock**: 更侧重于嘲笑或模仿,通常用于社交场合。例如:They mocked his accent, which made him feel embarrassed.(他们嘲笑他的口音,让他感到尴尬。)

5. **upset**: 表示使人心情不好或沮丧,但不涉及具体的行动。例如:She was upset about the exam results.(她对考试成绩感到沮丧。)