**cry on one's shoulder** \- 这个短语源自英语,意为“向某人倾诉心事”,“在某人的肩膀上哭泣”,通常指寻求安慰或支持,尤其是在情感困扰或心理压力大的时候。


“Cry on one's shoulder”是一个形象的表达,意味着在面临困难或情绪低落时,人们会向他人倾诉自己的痛苦,期望得到理解和慰藉。这个短语暗示了那个“肩膀”是提供倾听、同情和情感支持的地方。


1. She had no one to cry on her shoulder after her breakup, so she turned to journaling as an outlet for her emotions.


2. After the long day at work, I just needed someone to cry on my shoulder and tell me everything would be alright.


3. When he lost his job, his best friend was always there for him to cry on his shoulder.



1. **Lean on someone**: 这个短语也表示在困难时期依赖或依靠他人,但不一定涉及情感的宣泄,更多是实际的支持。

   Example: During the pandemic, we leaned on each other for emotional and financial support.


2. **Open up to someone**: 意味着向某人敞开心扉,分享个人的感受和想法。

   Example: She finally opened up to her therapist about her anxiety issues.


3. **Pour out one's heart to someone**: 这个短语强调完全地、无保留地向某人倾诉内心的情感。

   Example: He poured out his heart to his sister, telling her everything that had been bothering him.


4. **Unburden oneself to someone**: 这个短语指的是将负担或困扰告诉别人,以减轻自己的压力。

   Example: She decided to unburden herself to her close friend about her relationship problems.
