**Cry in One's Beer: 词汇释义与用法**


“Cry in one's beer”是一个英语习语,源自美国,直译为“在啤酒里哭泣”。这个短语形象地描述了一个人独自饮酒时,因为悲伤、失落或烦恼而默默哀叹的情景。它通常表示一个人在面对困难或挫折时,选择独自承受,而不是向他人倾诉。


"Cry in one's beer" is an American colloquial expression that literally means "to shed tears into one's beer." It metaphorically describes a situation where someone is nursing a drink, often alone, while reflecting on their sorrows, troubles, or disappointments. This phrase typically implies that the person is dealing with hardships or setbacks privately rather than sharing their feelings with others.


1. **中文:**他失业了,整晚坐在酒吧里,默默地对着他的啤酒哭泣。

   **英文:**After losing his job, he spent the whole night at the bar, crying in his beer.

2. **中文:**她知道没人能理解她的痛苦,所以选择独自在家,边喝着啤酒边默默感慨。

   **英文:**Knowing that nobody could understand her pain, she chose to stay home and cry in her beer in silence.

3. **中文:**他没有把分手的消息告诉朋友,只是一个人去酒吧,试图通过一杯又一杯的啤酒来缓解心痛。

   **英文:**Instead of telling his friends about the breakup, he went to a bar alone, trying to drown his sorrow by crying in his beer.


1. **Brood over a drink:** 这个短语也表示在喝酒时沉思或忧郁,但更强调思考而非直接的悲伤情绪。


   **例句:**She sat by the window, brooding over a glass of wine, contemplating the choices she had made.


2. **Wallow in self-pity:** 这个表达强调沉浸在自我怜悯中,可能伴随着消极的情绪,如自怨自艾。


   **例句:**After the rejection, he wallowed in self-pity, drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

3. **Drink away one's worries:** 此短语强调通过饮酒来忘却烦恼,但不一定涉及公开的情感表达。


   **例句:**He decided to drink away his worries after a stressful day at work.

4. **Pour one out for [someone/something]:** 这种表达通常是对失去的人或事物表示悼念或敬意,有时也含有哀叹的意味。


   **例句:**They poured one out for their fallen friend, symbolizing their grief and loss.

虽然这些短语在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们各自的情感色彩和情境略有不同。"Cry in one's beer"尤其强调个人在困境中的孤独和悲伤,而其他短语则可能包含更多的思考、自我怜悯或悼念的成分。