**Crazy About: 释义与用法**


1. 对...痴迷,狂热:表示对某人或某事物有极度的热情和兴趣,无法自拔。

2. 对...疯狂:形容对某事感到极度兴奋或激动,可能带有夸张的意味。


1. Enthusiastic or passionate about something to an excessive degree: Expresses an intense interest and fascination in a person or thing that one cannot control.

2. Wildly excited or agitated about something: Describes being overly excited or thrilled about an event, often with a touch of exaggeration.


1. She's crazy about classical music and spends all her free time practicing the piano. (她对古典音乐痴迷,所有的空闲时间都在练钢琴。)

2. The fans went crazy about their favorite band when they took the stage. (当他们最喜欢的乐队登台时,粉丝们疯狂了。)


1. **Obsessed with**: 这个短语强调一种强烈的痴迷或困扰,有时带有负面含义,如“他沉迷于电脑游戏,忽视了学业。”(He is obsessed with video games and neglects his studies.)

2. **Head over heels in love**: 通常用于描述爱情,表示深深地爱上了某人,如“自从遇见她,他就对她一见钟情。”(Since he met her, he's been head over heels in love with her.)

3. **Fascinated by**: 表示对某事物的强烈吸引力和兴趣,但并不一定带有负面含义,如“他对古代文明着迷,投入大量时间研究。”(He is fascinated by ancient civilizations and devotes much time to studying them.)

4. **Wild about**: 与“crazy about”相似,表示极度喜欢或兴奋,如“孩子们对动物园里的大熊猫野蛮生长。”(The children are wild about giant pandas at the zoo.)

5. **Gaga over**: 通常用于形容对流行文化或名人偶像的狂热崇拜,如“青少年们对那位流行歌手简直是如痴如醉。”(Teenagers are gaga over that pop singer.)