"Counter to"是一个介词短语,主要用来表示与某事物相反或者违背的意思。它强调的是对立或冲突的状态,通常用于描述观点、行动、趋势或其他抽象概念之间的关系。


1. 当"counter to"用于描述观点或意见时,它表达的是与之相反的看法。例如:

   - "His argument is counter to the prevailing view in the scientific community."(他的论点与科学界的主流观点相悖。)

2. 在描述行为或决定时,"counter to"表示与预期或常规相反的行动。例如:

   - "It was counter to her usual cautious nature to make such a hasty decision."(做出如此仓促的决定,与她一贯谨慎的个性不符。)

3. 在讨论趋势或情况时,"counter to"表示与一般趋势相反的发展。例如:

   - "Despite the economic downturn, sales of luxury goods have increased, which is counter to the overall trend."(尽管经济下滑,奢侈品的销售额却增加了,这与整体趋势背道而驰。)


1. "The new policy is counter to the principles we've always upheld."(这项新政策违背了我们一直坚守的原则。)

2. "Her actions were counter to the advice given by her lawyer."(她的行为与律师的建议相悖。)

3. "The company's decision to expand during a recession is counter to most business strategies."(公司在经济衰退期间选择扩张,这与大多数商业策略背道而驰。)


1. **Contrary to**: 这个短语也表示与...相反,但通常用于更正式的场合,且更强调事实的对比。

   - "Contrary to popular belief, coffee doesn't actually dehydrate you."(与普遍看法相反,咖啡实际上并不会导致脱水。)

2. **Opposite of**: 这个短语更为直接,强调两个事物完全相反。

   - "The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference."(爱的反面不是恨,而是冷漠。)

3. **In contrast to**: 这个短语用来对比两个不同的事物,强调它们之间的差异。

   - "In contrast to her sister's outgoing personality, she is quite introverted."(与她姐姐外向的性格相比,她相当内向。)

4. **Disregarding**: 表示不顾或无视某个情况或建议。

   - "He disregarded the doctor's warning and continued smoking."(他无视医生的警告,继续吸烟。)