Conscious of: 词义解析与用法示例及同义词辨析


"Conscious of" 是一个英语短语,主要表示“意识到,察觉到”的意思,强调对某事或某种情况有清晰的认知或感知。它也可以表示“对...有责任感”或“对...感到内疚”。


"Conscious of" is an English phrase that primarily means "to be aware of" or "to have knowledge of", emphasizing a clear understanding or perception of something or a situation. It can also imply "being responsible for" or "feeling guilty about".


1. He was conscious of the eyes watching him, so he straightened his posture. (他感觉到有人在注视他,于是挺直了腰板。)

2. She's always conscious of her appearance in public, dressing elegantly. (她在公共场合总是注意自己的形象,打扮得很得体。)

3. After the accident, he became more conscious of the importance of safety. (事故之后,他更加意识到了安全的重要性。)

4. He was conscious of having made a mistake and apologized immediately. (他意识到自己犯了错误,立刻道歉。)

5. The manager is very conscious of the need to maintain a good work-life balance. (经理非常清楚保持良好的工作与生活平衡的重要性。)


1. **Aware of**: 这个短语也表示“意识到”,与"conscious of"非常相似,但"aware of"更常用于日常对话中,而"conscious of"则在书面语中更为常见。

   例如:I'm aware that I'm late, but there was heavy traffic. (我知道我迟到了,但是路上堵车严重。)

2. **Mindful of**: 这个短语强调在行动或思考时记住某事,带有谨慎和考虑周全的意味。

   例如:Be mindful of your words when speaking to children. (跟孩子说话时要注意措辞。)

3. **Sensitive to**: 表示对某事或某人非常敏感,能察觉到微妙的变化。

   例如:She is sensitive to others' feelings and always tries to avoid hurting them. (她对别人的感受很敏感,总是尽量避免伤害他人。)

4. **In tune with**: 指与某事物保持一致或和谐,通常用于描述个人与环境、情绪或观点的协调性。

   例如:He is always in tune with the latest fashion trends. (他对最新的时尚潮流总是了如指掌。)