**by oneself**



1. "She usually does her homework by herself, without relying on anyone else's help."(她通常自己做作业,不依赖别人的帮助。)

2. "After his partner left, he had to run the business by himself."(他的搭档离开后,他不得不独自经营生意。)

3. "Living alone, I learned how to cook by myself."(独自生活,我学会了自己做饭。)

4. "The child managed to solve the puzzle by himself, which surprised his parents."(这个孩子自己解开了谜题,这让他的父母很惊讶。)

5. "I prefer to work by myself, as it allows me to focus better."(我喜欢独自工作,因为这样能更好地集中注意力。)


1. **alone**: 这个词也表示“独自的,单独的”,但更侧重于物理上的孤独或无人陪伴。例如:"He was alone in the room."(他独自在房间里。)

2. **on one's own**: 与"by oneself"相似,强调独立完成某事,但更强调个人的主动性和独立性。例如:"He finished the project on his own."(他自己完成了项目。)

3. **independently**: 强调不依赖他人,有自主性和自立的意思。例如:"She studies independently, seeking answers without asking for help."(她独立学习,不寻求帮助自己寻找答案。)

4. **self-reliant**: 这个词强调的是依赖自己,而不是依赖他人。例如:"A self-reliant person can handle challenges without depending on others."(一个自力更生的人可以不依赖别人处理挑战。)