"As well as" 是一个英语短语,通常用于表示“除了...还”,“不但...而且”,或者“以及”的意思。它连接两个相似的事物或人,强调后者并不排除前者。


1. 表示“除了...还...”

   - Example: She can speak French as well as English. (她会说法语,也会说英语。)

2. 表示“不但...而且...”

   - Example: He is not only smart, but as well as hardworking. (他不但聪明,而且勤奋。)

3. 表示“加上...,一起”

   - Example: We need to buy food as well as drinks for the party. (我们还需要买食物,以及饮料来举办聚会。)


- 当 "as well as" 连接两个并列成分时,如果谓语动词要与前面的主语一致,即遵循“就远原则”。

   - Example: The boy, as well as his parents, is coming to the event. (这个男孩和他的父母都会来参加活动。)

- 在某些情况下,"as well as" 可以省略第二个主语,特别是在口语中。

   - Example: I love music as well. (我也喜欢音乐。)

- "As well as" 也可以放在句尾,表达同样的意思,但此时更侧重于强调后者。

   - Example: She's an artist, and a writer as well. (她是个艺术家,还是个作家。)


1. **And**

   - "And" 也表示“和”,“以及”,但通常不强调后者的重要性。例如:She likes coffee and tea. (她喜欢咖啡和茶。)

2. **Not only...but also...**

   - "Not only...but also..." 与 "as well as" 类似,强调两者都重要,但语气更为强烈。例如:He is not only intelligent but also kind. (他不仅聪明,而且善良。)

3. **In addition to**

   - "In addition to" 强调添加或补充,常用于正式语境。例如:In addition to the book, I bought a dictionary. (除了那本书,我还买了一本字典。)

4. **Besides**

   - "Besides" 除了表示“除了...还...”外,还可以表示“此外”,带有一种额外信息的感觉。例如:Besides being a teacher, she is a talented musician. (她除了是教师,还是一位才华横溢的音乐家。)