
1. 基本含义:航行,驾驶


- He was trained to navigate through the treacherous waters around the cape.(他受过训练,能在 cape 周围的危险水域航行。)

2. 指导,管理


- The experienced teacher navigated the students through the complexities of the new curriculum.(这位经验丰富的老师引导学生应对新课程的复杂性。)

3. 寻找路径,解决复杂问题


- We need to navigate the legal system to resolve this dispute.(我们需要在法律体系中找到解决这场纠纷的方法。)


1. 航行驾驶

- The captain was skilled at navigating through rough seas.(船长擅长在狂暴的海面上驾驶。)

- The pilot had to navigate the plane through dense fog.(飞行员必须在浓雾中驾驶飞机。)

2. 指导管理

- She navigated her team through a challenging project, ensuring its successful completion.(她指导团队完成了这个具有挑战性的项目,确保了成功。)

- The CEO navigated the company through the economic downturn with astute decision-making.(CEO通过明智的决策帮助公司度过了经济衰退。)

3. 寻找路径,解决问题

- They had to navigate the bureaucratic maze to get their permits approved.(他们不得不在官僚主义的迷宫中寻找出路以获得许可。)

- The startup navigated the competitive market by innovating and staying agile.(这家初创公司通过创新和保持灵活在竞争激烈的市场中找到了生存之道。)


1. Pilot:与navigate相似,pilot主要指驾驶飞机,但在某些情况下也可以指引导或控制其他事物。通常,navigate的使用范围更广,包括航海和比喻意义。

- Example: The pilot navigated the aircraft through turbulent skies.(飞行员驾驶飞机穿越动荡的天空。)

2. Guide:guide侧重于引领、指导,更注重过程中的指引作用,而非实际操作。

- Example: The guide led us through the forest, pointing out various wildlife along the way.(导游带领我们穿过森林,沿途指点各种野生动物。)

3. Maneuver:maneuver强调在特定环境或情况下巧妙地操控或行动,通常用于军事或运动场合。

- Example: The naval fleet expertly maneuvered through the narrow strait.(海军舰队巧妙地在狭窄的海峡中行动。)

4. Chart a course:此短语常用于航海或飞行,表示规划路线,也有比喻意义上的规划方向。

- Example: Before setting sail, the captain charted a course for the distant island.(起航前,船长为遥远的岛屿规划了航线。)