## 一、词汇释义

“Nine-Year Compulsory Education”(九年制义务教育)是中国的一项教育政策,也被称为“基础教育”,是指国家依法强制执行的,对适龄儿童和青少年进行的,包括小学六年和初中三年在内的九年教育。这一制度旨在保障所有适龄儿童都能接受基本的文化知识教育,是实现社会公平、提高国民素质的重要途径。

## 二、用法例句

1. "In China, the Nine-Year Compulsory Education system ensures that every child has access to free primary and junior high school education."


2. "The Nine-Year Compulsory Education policy aims to eradicate illiteracy and provide equal opportunities for all."


3. "Since the implementation of the Nine-Year Compulsory Education, the enrollment rate of primary and secondary school students has significantly increased."


4. "The government invests heavily in the Nine-Year Compulsory Education to ensure quality teaching resources and facilities for rural areas."


5. "Parents in China are legally obligated to send their children to school during the Nine-Year Compulsory Education period."


## 三、同义词辨析

### 1. Basic Education

"Basic Education" 是一个更为通用的术语,涵盖的范围可能更广泛,不仅包括九年制义务教育,还可以指其他形式的基础学习阶段,如学前教育和高中教育。在国际语境中,"Basic Education" 通常被用来描述一个国家为公民提供的最低限度的教育机会。

### 2. Mandatory Education

"Mandatory Education" 或 "Compulsory Education" 直译为“强制性教育”,强调的是教育的强制性,即法律规定必须接受的教育阶段。这与九年制义务教育的概念相吻合,但不特指中国的九年制,可以适用于全球各地有类似规定的国家和地区。

### 3. Free and Compulsory Education

"Free and Compulsory Education" 强调了教育的两个关键特点:免费和强制。在中国,九年制义务教育即是免费的,所有适龄儿童无需支付学费即可接受教育。然而,这个表达在全球范围内可能有所不同,一些国家的免费教育可能仅限于特定阶段或针对特定群体。

### 4. Primary and Secondary Education

"Primary and Secondary Education" 描述的是小学和中学阶段的教育,与九年制义务教育的覆盖范围一致,但这个表达不涉及是否强制或免费。