“Update one's knowledge”是一个英语短语,其基本含义是“更新知识”或“提升知识”。这个短语强调的是不断学习和适应新信息、新技能或新理解的过程,以保持个人的知识体系与时俱进。在快速发展的现代社会中,尤其在科技、学术和专业领域,更新知识的能力变得至关重要。


1. "Update":这个词源自拉丁语"ad"(向)和"up"(上),在英语中的基本意思是“使现代化”或“提供最新信息”。当用于动词短语"update one's knowledge"时,它指的是将旧的信息替换为最新的、最准确的或最相关的信息。

2. "One's":这是一个代词,代表“某人的”,在这里指代主语,即进行知识更新的个体。

3. "Knowledge":这个名词来源于古英语"cnāwan",意为“知道”或“了解”。在现代英语中,它指的是通过学习、经验或理解获取的信息和事实。


1. Regularly updating one's knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence is crucial to stay competitive in the job market.


2. The medical professionals were urged to update their knowledge on the latest COVID-19 treatment protocols.


3. To excel in your career, it's important to continuously update your knowledge and skills.


4. She updated her knowledge of French by taking online courses during the lockdown.



1. "Refresh one's knowledge":这个短语与"update one's knowledge"有相似的含义,但更侧重于恢复或重新激活已经遗忘或过时的知识。例如,“Before the exam, he refreshed his knowledge of algebra.”(考试前,他复习了代数知识。)

2. "Expand one's knowledge":这个短语强调增加新的知识,而不仅仅是替换旧的。例如,“Reading widely can help expand one's knowledge about different cultures.”(广泛阅读可以帮助扩展对不同文化的了解。)

3. "Acquire new knowledge":这个表达更直接地指向获取新的或未知的信息。例如,“She was eager to acquire new knowledge through research.”(她热衷于通过研究获取新知识。)