
"Night School for Adults" 是一个专门针对成人的夜间教育机构或课程的术语。它是指在工作日的晚上或者周末,为那些白天需要工作或其他职责的成年人提供的继续教育或技能提升课程。这些课程通常包括但不限于语言学习、职业技能培训、学位课程、兴趣爱好课程等。"Night School" 强调的是时间安排,而 "for Adults" 则明确了受众群体。


1. "After working all day, John attends night school for adults to improve his computer programming skills."


2. "The local community college offers a wide range of night school for adults, including art classes and business management courses."


3. "She decided to enroll in night school for adults to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse while still supporting her family."


4. "The night school for adults has become an increasingly popular option for career advancement among working professionals."



1. **Evening Classes**: 这个短语与 "Night School for Adults" 类似,指的是在晚上进行的课程,但并不特指针对成年人。它可能适用于任何年龄段的学生,包括青少年和成年人。

   例句: "The high school also provides evening classes for students who need to catch up on missed credits."


2. **Continuing Education**: 这个术语更广泛,不仅限于晚上,也包括周末或工作日的课程,主要目的是帮助成年人更新知识、获取新技能或完成学位。

   例句: "Mary enrolled in a continuing education program to update her marketing knowledge."


3. **Part-time Studies**: 这种情况通常指的是学生在非全日制的基础上学习,可以是白天、晚上或两者结合,适合那些需要平衡工作和学习的人。

   例句: "Simon is pursuing part-time studies in engineering alongside his full-time job."


4. **Adult Learning Centers**: 这种中心专注于满足成年人的学习需求,可能包括各种课程,如基础教育、职业培训等,不特定于晚上。

   例句: "The adult learning center provides literacy programs for those who want to improve their reading and writing skills."
