
"Answer the Door" 直译为“回答门”,在实际语境中,它并不意味着要对门做出语言回应,而是指响应门铃声或敲门声,去打开门,迎接来访者。这个短语通常用于指示某人应去检查是谁在门外,并决定是否让其进入。在一些情况下,它也可能暗示了与来访者进行初步交流的过程。


1. "I heard a knock on the door, could you answer it, please?"(我听到有人敲门,你能去开一下吗?)

2. "She was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang, so she quickly went to answer the door."(门铃响的时候她正在厨房,所以她赶紧去开门。)

3. "As soon as I finished my work, I heard someone knocking. I got up and answered the door."(我刚完成工作就听见有人敲门,于是起身去开了门。)

4. "In the middle of the night, the sound of the doorbell startled us all. Tom bravely decided to answer the door."(半夜里,门铃声把我们都吓了一跳,汤姆勇敢地决定去开门。)

5. "The delivery man knocked three times before I finally answered the door."(送货员敲了三次门,我才最终去开门。)


1. "Open the Door": 这个短语直译为“打开门”,它更侧重于物理动作,即打开门的动作,而没有包含回应或与来访者交流的含义。例如:"Can you open the door? I forgot my keys inside."(你能开门吗?我把钥匙落在里面了。)

2. "Greet at the Door": 这个短语强调的是迎接来访者的礼仪行为,通常包括微笑、问好等。例如:"She always greets her guests with a warm smile at the door."(她总是在门口以热情的微笑欢迎客人。)

3. "Receive at the Entrance": 这个短语在正式场合使用较多,比如在接待客人或活动签到时。例如:"The receptionist was there to receive guests at the entrance."(接待员在那里迎接在入口处的客人。)