1. **基本释义**


2. **用法示例**

   a) 用于控制行为或情感:


   "The teacher had to restrain the excited students from rushing out of the classroom."



   b) 用于限制或阻止某事的发生:


   "The government imposed new regulations to restrain the spread of misinformation online."



   c) 物理上的束缚或固定:


   "The injured man was restrained to the hospital bed to prevent him from moving."



3. **同义词辨析**

   - **Control**:两者都表示对行为或情感的管理或约束,但“control”通常暗示更全面和主动的影响力,而“restrain”往往强调被动或临时的限制。


   "The parents tried to control their child's sugar intake, whereas the doctor had to restrain him from eating candy due to his diabetes."



   - **Restrict**:与“restrain”相似,都涉及限制,但“restrict”更常用于法律、政策或规则层面的限制,而“restrain”更偏向于个人或直接的行为。


   "The city council restricted car usage during rush hour, while parents often have to restrain their children from playing in the street."



   - **Suppress**:与“restrain”在抑制情感或行为方面有交集,但“suppress”更强调完全消除或压制,而“restrain”可能只是暂时的。


   "The athlete suppressed his anger to maintain his composure, although he felt the urge to restrain his opponent's aggressive behavior."



4. **注意事项**

   使用“restrain”时,应注意其在法律和医疗领域的特殊含义。在法律上,“to restrain someone”可能涉及法院命令,防止某人做出特定行为。在医疗领域,它可能指的是为了患者的安全而进行的身体约束。