
“Restore Reputation”这一短语源自英语,由动词"restore"和名词"reputation"组成。"Restore"意为恢复、修复,而"reputation"指的是个人、组织或事物在公众中的名誉或声望。因此,“Restore Reputation”直译为“恢复名誉”,在实际应用中,它指的是通过某种方式改善或重建受损或丧失的声誉。


1. 主动语态:

   - After the scandal, the company had to work tirelessly to restore its reputation.



2. 被动语态:

   - His efforts were aimed at having his reputation restored after being falsely accused.


3. 现在进行时:

   - They are currently in the process of restoring their reputation by implementing stricter ethical standards.


4. 完成时态:

   - The restaurant has successfully restored its reputation for excellent cuisine after a series of critical reviews.



1. Rebuild Reputation:与“Restore Reputation”相似,但更强调从废墟或严重损害中重建的过程,通常用于描述经历了重大打击的情况。

2. Regain Credibility:强调重新获得信任或可信度,尤其适用于因不诚实或失误导致名誉受损的情况。

3. Rehabilitate Image:这个词组更具有修复和转变的含义,通常用于公共人物或组织在公众眼中的形象修正。

4. Revive Good Name:侧重于使一个曾经受过玷污的名字或名誉重新焕发生机,通常用于历史或传统背景下的情境。

5. Repair Damaged Reputation:强调修复已经受到损害的名誉,适合描述需要解决具体问题以改善形象的情况。