**1. 基本含义与用法**


- The old painting has been beautifully restored to its original condition.(这幅古老的画已经被精心修复,恢复了它最初的状况。)

- After a long rest, she was able to restore her energy.(经过长时间的休息,她恢复了精力。)

**2. 用于恢复关系或和谐**


- It's time for us to restore communication and work together as a team.(现在是我们恢复沟通,作为一个团队合作的时候了。)

- The peace talks aimed to restore diplomatic relations between the two countries.(和平谈判旨在恢复两国间的外交关系。)

**3. 恢复权利或地位**


- The court ruled that his rights should be restored immediately.(法院裁决应立即恢复他的权利。)

- After the revolution, the rightful heir was restored to the throne.(革命后,合法的继承人重新登上了王位。)

**4. 在环境和自然中的应用**


- The conservation project aims to restore the damaged wetland ecosystem.(保护项目旨在恢复受损的湿地生态系统。)

- The government is working on restoring the polluted river to its pristine state.(政府正在努力将被污染的河流恢复到原始状态。)


1. **Recover** - 通常用于恢复健康、力量或失去的事物,但不涉及物理修复。例如:“She is recovering from a severe illness.”(她在从重病中康复。)

2. **Renew** - 强调开始或继续,尤其在时间上的延续。例如:“We need to renew our lease on the apartment.”(我们需要续租公寓。)

3. **Reestablish** - 更强调在破坏或中断后重新建立。例如:“They had to reestablish contact after the communication breakdown.”(在通信中断后,他们必须重新建立联系。)

4. **Repair** - 物理上的修复或修补,通常用于物质对象。例如:“The mechanic repaired the car's engine.”(机械师修理了汽车的引擎。)

5. **Regain** - 多用于失去后重新获取,如权力、地位或控制。例如:“He regained control of the company after a bitter legal battle.”(在一场激烈的法律斗争后,他重新获得了公司的控制权。)