
Diving competition(跳水比赛)是一项体育竞技项目,主要是指运动员在跳板或跳台上进行各种高难度动作,通过空中姿态、翻腾、旋转等技巧,最终以优美的姿态跃入水中。评委根据运动员的动作完成度、水花大小、姿态优美程度等方面进行评分。跳水比赛在奥运会、世界锦标赛等国际赛事中占有重要地位,吸引了世界各地的顶尖选手参与。


1. The diving competition at the Olympic Games is always a highlight, showcasing the incredible skills and grace of the athletes.


2. The young diver's performance in the competition earned her a spot on the national team.


3. The audience held their breath as the diver executed a series of complex flips and twists before entering the water with a near-perfect splash.


4. The judges carefully evaluated each dive, taking into account the degree of difficulty, form, and execution.


5. The synchronized diving competition requires not only individual skill but also excellent teamwork and coordination between the divers.



1. Diving contest 和 diving competition

Diving contest(跳水比赛)与 diving competition 都表示跳水比赛这一体育项目。两者在意义上基本相同,但在使用场合上略有区别。Diving contest 多用于非正式或地区性的比赛,而 diving competition 更常用于正式的、国际性的比赛。


- The local diving contest attracted many talented young divers from the surrounding areas.


2. Diving meet 和 diving competition

Diving meet(跳水赛事)与 diving competition 也是指跳水比赛。Diving meet 通常用于描述包含多个项目和多个参赛队伍的综合性跳水比赛,而 diving competition 更强调比赛的竞技性质。


- The annual diving meet in our city features a wide range of events, from platform dives to synchronized routines.


3. Diving tournament 和 diving competition

Diving tournament(跳水锦标赛)与 diving competition 都表示跳水比赛。Diving tournament 通常用于描述具有一定规模和影响力的跳水比赛,如国家级或国际级的锦标赛事。而 diving competition 更为通用,可用于各种规模的比赛。


- The national diving tournament saw the rise of several new stars in the sport, surprising both fans and experts alike.
