释义:Rally 是一个英文词汇,源于法语 "rallier",意为重新聚集、集结。在现代英语中,rally 通常指一个大型的公共集会或活动,旨在支持或反对某个观点、政策或目标。此外,rally 还可以指汽车拉力赛,这是一种在封闭道路上进行的速度和耐力比赛。


1. The environmental rally attracted thousands of people who were concerned about climate change.


2. The political party held a rally to show their support for the new candidate.


3. The rally for animal rights demonstrated the need for stronger laws to protect wildlife.



1. Gathering:Gathering 通常指一群人聚集在一起的非正式场合,如家庭聚会、朋友聚会等。与 rally 相比,gathering 更强调社交和娱乐性质,而非政治或社会目的。

例句:The family gathering was filled with laughter and stories from everyone's childhood.


2. Assembly:Assembly 通常指一个有组织的、有明确议程的集会,如学校的集会、公司的年会等。与 rally 相比,assembly 更强调正式性和组织性,可能涉及讨论、报告或演讲等环节。

例句:The company held an annual assembly to review the past year's performance and set goals for the upcoming year.


3. Protest:Protest 指抗议活动,通常是为了反对某个政策、决定或行为。与 rally 相比,protest 更强调表达不满和要求改变的目的。

例句:The protest against the construction of the new airport attracted a large crowd of concerned citizens.


4. Demonstration:Demonstration 通常指示威活动,旨在展示某种观点或要求的支持。与 rally 相比,demonstration 更强调通过行动来表达诉求,如游行、罢工等。

例句:The labor union organized a demonstration to demand better working conditions and higher wages.


5. Convention:Convention 通常指数百或数千人参加的大型会议,如政党大会、专业会议等。与 rally 相比,convention 更强调专业性和组织性,通常涉及讨论、交流和决策等环节。

例句:The annual science convention brought together researchers from all over the world to share their latest findings.
