
Pole vault(撑杆跳高)是一项田径运动项目,要求运动员借助一根具有弹性的长杆,通过助跑、起跳、越过横杆等动作,达到一定的高度。这项运动起源于古代的北欧和高卢地区,最早用于帮助士兵跨越城墙或障碍。现代撑杆跳高已经成为奥运会和其他国际田径比赛中的一项重要项目。


1. The pole vault event is always one of the most exciting competitions in the track and field meet, as it showcases the athletes' strength, agility, and coordination.


2. To excel in pole vaulting, an athlete must have a strong upper body, as it is crucial for maintaining balance and control during the ascent.


3. The introduction of fiberglass poles has revolutionized the sport of pole vaulting, allowing athletes to achieve greater heights than ever before.


4. During the pole vault competition, the athletes must carefully select the appropriate pole for each height, as it can significantly impact their performance.


5. The pole vaulter's technique is a delicate balance of speed, power, and timing, which must be executed flawlessly to achieve success.



1. 撑杆跳高(Pole Vault)与普通跳高(High Jump)


2. 撑杆跳高(Pole Vault)与撑杆跳远(Pole Vaulting)
