
Middle-distance race(中距离赛跑)是一项体育运动,主要指介于短跑和长跑之间的比赛项目。这类比赛项目通常要求运动员具备较高的速度和耐力。常见的中距离赛跑项目包括800米、1500米和3000米跑等。在这些比赛中,运动员需要在规定的距离内尽可能快地完成比赛,同时还要克服其他竞争对手。


1. Tom has been training hard for the middle-distance race, and his coach believes he has a good chance of winning the championship.


2. The middle-distance race requires a combination of speed and endurance, making it a challenging event for athletes.


3. During the middle-distance race, it is crucial for athletes to maintain a steady pace and conserve their energy for the final sprint.


4. Middle-distance runners often practice interval training to improve their speed and endurance for the race.


5. The athlete's performance in the middle-distance race was impressive, as she managed to maintain a strong pace throughout the entire event.



1. Middle-distance race 与 Race

Race(赛跑)是一个广义词汇,可以指任何形式的跑步比赛,包括短跑、中距离赛跑和长跑等。而Middle-distance race特指介于短跑和长跑之间的比赛项目。两者的区别在于所涵盖的比赛项目范围不同。


- He participated in a 100-meter race, which is a short-distance race.


- The middle-distance race requires a balance of speed and stamina.


2. Middle-distance race 与 Steeplechase



- The steeplechase is a challenging event that tests athletes' speed, endurance, and ability to clear obstacles.


- Middle-distance runners often train for events like the 800-meter and 1500-meter races.


3. Middle-distance race 与 Long-distance race

Long-distance race(长距离赛跑)是指比中距离赛跑更长的比赛项目,如5000米、10000米和马拉松等。长距离赛跑更注重耐力,而中距离赛跑则要求运动员在保持速度的同时具备一定的耐力。两者的主要区别在于比赛距离和对运动员能力的要求。


- The long-distance race requires a great deal of stamina and mental fortitude to endure the lengthy course.


- Middle-distance runners must find the right balance between speed and endurance to succeed in their events.
