
1. 基本含义

Think well of sb. 这个短语的基本含义是对某人持有正面的评价和看法。它表达了说话者对某人的肯定、赞赏和喜爱。这种评价可能基于对方的品质、能力、成就或其他方面的表现。

2. 构成



1. 作为动词短语

Think well of sb. 作为一个动词短语,可以直接用于句子中。例如:

- I think well of her because she is very kind and helpful.


- He doesn't think well of his boss, but he still works hard.


2. 作为谓语

将 think well of sb. 作为谓语时,可以根据需要进行时态和语态的变化。例如:

- We will always think well of those who have made sacrifices for our country.


- She is thought well of by her colleagues for her dedication and expertise.


3. 与其他词汇搭配

Think well of sb. 可以与其他词汇搭配,构成更加丰富的表达。例如:

- Speak highly of sb.(高度评价某人)

- Have a high opinion of sb.(对某人评价很高)

- Hold sb. in high regard(高度尊重某人)

这些搭配在意义上与 think well of sb. 相近,可以根据语境灵活运用。


1. 避免歧义

在使用 think well of sb. 时,要注意避免歧义。例如,以下句子可能会产生歧义:

- I think well of the time we spent together.



- I have good memories of the time we spent together.


2. 区分“think well of”和“think well”

虽然“think well of”和“think well”在形式上相似,但它们的意义和用法有所不同。例如:

- He thinks well of his students, but he doesn't think well of the school's administration.


在这个例子中,“think well of”表示对某人或某事物的评价,而“think well”则表示对某事物的总体看法。


1. 日常交流

在日常生活中,我们可以用 think well of sb. 来表达对他人的赞赏和喜爱。例如:

- My parents always think well of you because you are so polite and responsible.


2. 工作场合

在工作场合,我们可以用 think well of sb. 来表达对同事或下属的肯定和认可。例如:

- The manager thinks well of her team members for their hard work and creativity.


3. 书面表达

在书面表达中,我们可以用 think well of sb. 来表达对某人的评价和看法。例如:

- In his autobiography, he thinks well of his teachers who inspired him to pursue his dreams.
