1. 承担,接受任务或责任
当某人决定承担某项任务或责任时,可以使用 take on 这个短语。这通常表示对挑战的接受或对工作的承诺。
a) 尽管这个项目非常复杂,她还是决定承担起这个任务。
She decided to take on the complex project despite its challenges.
b) 他承担起了照顾年迈父母的责任。
He took on the responsibility of taking care of his elderly parents.
2. 雇用,招收
当企业或组织招聘新员工时,也可以使用 take on 这个短语。
a) 这家公司最近招收了一些新员工以满足业务需求。
The company recently took on some new employees to meet the business needs.
b) 学校决定再聘请两位教师来扩大教育团队。
The school decided to take on two more teachers to expand the education team.
3. 呈现,具有(特征或外观)
当某物或某人呈现出某种特征或外观时,可以使用 take on 表示。
a) 这个地区在秋天时呈现出一种宁静的美。
The area takes on a peaceful beauty in the autumn.
b) 他穿上这身衣服后,看起来像一个专业的运动员。
He takes on the appearance of a professional athlete in this outfit.
4. 接受挑战或竞争
当某人决定面对挑战或与他人竞争时,可以使用 take on 表示。
a) 尽管对手实力强大,我们仍然决定接受挑战。
Despite the strong opponent, we decided to take them on.
b) 她勇敢地面对困难,准备与这个问题抗争到底。
She bravely faced the difficulty and was prepared to take it on.
5. 装载,装上(如货物或乘客)
当交通工具装载货物或乘客时,可以使用 take on 表示。
a) 这艘货轮将很快装载足够的货物,然后启程前往其他国家。
The cargo ship will take on enough goods soon and then set sail for other countries.
b) 巴士在每个站点都会停靠,让乘客上下车。
The bus will stop at every station to take on and let off passengers.
6. 学习,研究(如课程或技能)
当某人开始学习或研究某个课程或技能时,可以使用 take on 表示。
a) 为了提高自己的职业素质,他决定学习一门新的编程语言。
To improve his professional quality, he decided to take on a new programming language.
b) 她报名参加了烹饪课程,希望学会做更多的美食。
She signed up for a cooking class, hoping to learn how to make more delicious dishes.
7. 承认,接受(如观点或建议)
当某人接受或承认某个观点或建议时,可以使用 take on 表示。
a) 经过一番讨论,他们最终接受了我的建议。
After a discussion, they finally took on my suggestion.
b) 尽管他不同意这个观点,但他还是尊重并接受了其他人的看法。
Although he disagreed with the opinion, he still respected and took on the views of others.