
1. 收拾、整理

Put away 的最基本用法是表示将物品收拾整齐、放回原处。例如:

(1) Please put away your toys before we go out.


(2) She put away the dishes after dinner.


2. 储存

Put away 还可以表示将物品妥善保存,以备将来使用。例如:

(1) They put away some food for the winter.


(2) It's a good idea to put away emergency funds for unexpected expenses.



1. 拒绝、摒弃

在某些情境下,put away 还可以表示拒绝、摒弃某种观念、行为或习惯。例如:

(1) He decided to put away his bad habits and start a new life.


(2) The company put away the idea of expanding into new markets.


2. 使某人离开、驱赶

Put away 还可以表示让某人离开或驱赶某人。例如:

(1) The security guard put away the intruder from the premises.


(2) The teacher asked the disruptive student to put away his noise and pay attention to the class.



1. Put away…for


(1) She put away the decorations for the party.


(2) Please put away your clothes for the laundry.


2. Put…away


(1) Put the books away on the shelf.


(2) Put the tools away in the toolbox.



1. 时态

在使用 put away 时,要注意根据上下文选择合适的时态。例如:

(1) I have put away my winter clothes because it's getting warmer.


(2) Please put away your phone before the meeting starts.


2. 语气

在使用 put away 时,要注意语气的把握。例如:

(1) The teacher asked the students to put away their phones politely.


(2) The manager told the employee to put away his attitude and focus on work.
