
当put up用于表示提供住宿时,它通常与某人或某物作为宾语。在这种情况下,put up表示为某人提供临时住所,例如旅馆、酒店或其他住宿场所。例如:

1. My cousin is coming to town for the weekend, and I will put her up at my place.


2. The hotel can put up to 200 guests at a time.



put up还可以表示举起或抬起某物。在这种情况下,put up的宾语通常是物体或身体部位。以下是一些例句:

1. Please put up your hand if you have any questions.


2. The worker put up the heavy box on the shelf.



put up还可以表示增加某物的数量、价格或水平。在这种情况下,put up的宾语通常是抽象概念,如价格、数量或质量。以下是一些例句:

1. The company decided to put up the prices of its products due to increased production costs.


2. The teacher put up the difficulty level of the assignments to challenge the students.



put up还可以表示展示或张贴某物。在这种情况下,put up的宾语通常是具体物品,如海报、照片或艺术品。以下是一些例句:

1. The students put up a bulletin board with information about the upcoming school trip.


2. The artist put up her paintings in the gallery for everyone to admire.



最后,put up还可以表示建造或搭建某物。在这种情况下,put up的宾语通常是建筑物或其他结构。以下是一些例句:

1. The construction workers put up a new building in just six months.


2. The campers put up their tents near the lake for a weekend getaway.
