1. 捡起,拿起

“Pick up”最基本的含义是“捡起”或“拿起”。这个用法可以用于各种物体,无论是小到一枚硬币,还是大到一件家具,都可以用“pick up”来表达。例如:

- Please pick up the book from the table.(请从桌子上拿起那本书。)

- I need to pick up my keys before we leave.(在我们离开之前,我需要捡起我的钥匙。)

2. 接收,获取

“Pick up”还可以表示接收或获取某种信息、知识或技能。例如:

- You can pick up a lot of useful information from the internet.(你可以从互联网上获取很多有用的信息。)

- It's important to pick up good study habits early in life.(在很小的时候养成好的学习习惯是很重要的。)

3. 学会,掌握

与接收、获取类似,“pick up”还可以表示学会或掌握某种技能或知识。例如:

- He managed to pick up Japanese while he was traveling in Japan.(他在日本旅行期间学会了日语。)

- It's easy to pick up chess if you have someone to teach you the rules.(如果有人教你规则,学国际象棋是很容易的。)

4. 增加,加速

“Pick up”还可以表示速度、强度或程度的增加。例如:

- The wind picked up during the night and it's very cold this morning.(晚上风速加大了,今天早上非常冷。)

- As we approached the finish line, my heart rate picked up.(当我们接近终点线时,我的心跳加速了。)

5. 接人,接物

“Pick up”还可以表示去接人或物。例如:

- I'll pick you up at 7 pm outside your apartment.(我会在晚上7点来接你,就在你公寓外面。)

- Don't forget to pick up the groceries on your way home.(回家的路上别忘了买杂货。)

6. 改善,好转

“Pick up”还可以表示情况、健康或心情的改善。例如:

- Her health began to pick up after she started the new medication.(她开始服用新药后,健康状况开始好转。)

- The economy is starting to pick up after a period of recession.(经过一段时间的衰退,经济开始复苏。)

7. 购买,捡便宜

“Pick up”还可以表示购买物品,尤其是以较低的价格购买。例如:

- I picked up a great deal on a new pair of shoes during the sale.(我在打折期间买到了一双新鞋的好价钱。)

- He's always picking up antiques at flea markets.(他总是在跳蚤市场上捡古董。)

8. 重新开始,继续

“Pick up”还可以表示重新开始或继续某事。例如:

- Let's pick up where we left off.(让我们从上次停下来的地方继续。)

- After a short break, they picked up the conversation.(经过短暂的休息后,他们继续交谈。)

9. 接收信号

“Pick up”在通信领域中,还可以表示接收信号。例如:

- The radio can pick up signals from a distance of 100 miles.(这台收音机可以接收到100英里以外的信号。)

- My phone can't pick up a signal here.(我的手机在这里接收不到信号。)