
Make out的基本含义是辨认、识别或理解。在很多情况下,make out用于描述在困难或模糊的环境中辨认出人、物或信息。以下是一些例句:

1. I could barely make out the figure in the darkness.(在黑暗中,我几乎辨认不出那个人影。)

2. She tried to make out the words on the faded sign.(她试图辨认出那个褪色招牌上的字迹。)

二、make out在不同情境下的用法

1. 辨认人或物

当make out用于描述辨认人或物时,通常表示在视线不佳或信息不明确的情况下进行识别。例如:

1. It was difficult to make out the animals in the dense forest.(在茂密的森林里很难辨认出动物。)

2. He was unable to make out the license plate number in the rain.(在雨中,他无法辨认出车牌号码。)

2. 理解或分辨信息

make out还可以表示在复杂或不清晰的信息中理解或分辨出具体内容。例如:

1. She could hardly make out the speaker's words through the noise.(在噪音中,她几乎听不清演讲者的话。)

2. It's hard to make out the details of the plan from this summary.(从这份摘要中很难理解计划的细节。)

3. 填写或辨认文字

在某些情况下,make out还可以表示填写或辨认表格、文件等文字材料。例如:

1. Please make out a check for the full amount.(请开一张全额支票。)

2. He was trying to make out the handwriting on the old letter.(他在努力辨认那封旧信上的笔迹。)


1. make out to be


1. He tried to make out to be an expert in the field, but no one believed him.(他试图声称自己是这个领域的专家,但没人相信他。)

2. make out that


1. She made out that she was the rightful owner of the property.(她声称自己是该房产的合法拥有者。)


1. Make up

与make out相似,make up也具有多种含义。然而,make up通常表示编造、化妆、和解或弥补。例如:

1. He made up a story to explain his absence.(他编造了一个故事来解释他的缺席。)

2. After their argument, the couple made up and went out for dinner.(争吵之后,这对夫妇和解了,出去吃晚饭。)

2. Figure out

Figure out与make out在某些情境下可以互换,但figure out更侧重于通过思考和分析解决问题或理解事物。例如:

1. I couldn't figure out the solution to the math problem.(我解决不了这个数学题。)