
Make up for这个短语的基本含义是“补偿”或“弥补”。当我们因为某种原因导致别人受到了损失或不便时,我们可以通过采取一定的措施来弥补这种损失或不便,从而使得双方的关系得以恢复。这种补偿行为可以是物质上的,也可以是精神上的。


1. 弥补过失或错误

当我们犯了错误或疏忽,给别人带来了麻烦时,我们可以通过采取一定的行动来弥补我们的过失。这时,我们可以使用make up for这个短语来表达这种补偿行为。


(1) I missed the meeting last week, so I'll make up for it by preparing a detailed report for my colleagues.


(2) She felt guilty for being late to the party, so she made up for it by bringing a cake as a gift.


2. 补偿损失

当我们的行为导致别人遭受了损失时,我们可以通过提供相应的补偿来平衡双方的利益。这时,我们可以使用make up for来表达这种补偿行为。


(1) The company will make up for the financial loss caused by the data breach.


(2) The government promised to make up for the damages caused by the natural disaster.


3. 弥补时间或机会

当我们错过了某个重要的时刻或机会时,我们可以通过抓住其他机会或利用其他方式来弥补这种遗憾。这时,我们可以使用make up for来表达这种弥补行为。


(1) He couldn't attend the concert last night, but he planned to make up for it by watching a live recording of the performance.


(2) After missing the deadline, she worked extra hours to make up for the lost time.


4. 弥补关系

在人际关系中,我们可能会因为误会或冲突而导致关系紧张。为了恢复和谐的关系,我们可以通过沟通、道歉或采取其他积极行动来弥补。这时,我们可以使用make up for来表达这种弥补行为。


(1) They had a big argument, but eventually made up for it by having an honest conversation.


(2) She felt bad for not supporting her friend during a difficult time, so she made up for it by offering continuous encouragement and help.



1. 时态问题:在使用make up for时,要注意根据语境选择合适的时态。例如,如果我们正在谈论过去发生的事情,应使用过去时;如果我们正在谈论将来的计划,应使用将来时。

2. 主语问题:Make up for的主语通常是人,表示主动采取行动来弥补损失或过失。但在某些情况下,也可以使用非人称主语,如it、the situation等。


(1) It's impossible to make up for the lost time, but we can learn from the experience.


2. 搭配问题:在使用make up for时,要注意与其他词汇的搭配。例如,我们可以说make up for a loss、make up for a mistake、make up for the time等,但不能说make up for a win或make up for a success。