
1. 组成、构成

Make up作为动词短语,最基本的含义是“组成”或“构成”。在这个意义上,它通常用于描述事物的组成成分或者成员。例如:

The committee is made up of ten members from different departments.


2. 编造、虚构

Make up还可以表示“编造”或“虚构”某事物,如故事、借口等。例如:

He made up an excuse for being late to work.


3. 化妆

在日常生活中,make up还可以表示“化妆”。例如:

She made up her face before going to the party.



1. Make up for

Make up for表示“弥补”或“补偿”,用于描述为了弥补某种不足或损失而采取的行动。例如:

He tried to make up for his mistake by working harder.


2. Make up with

Make up with表示“和某人和解”或“与某人重归于好”,用于描述在发生争执或不和之后,双方达成和解的过程。例如:

After the argument, they made up with each other and continued working together.


3. Make up (one's) mind

Make up (one's) mind表示“下定决心”或“决定某事”,用于描述在经过思考和权衡之后,做出的决定。例如:

After considering all the options, she finally made up her mind to take the job offer.



1. 工作场合

在工作场合,make up作为动词短语,可以用于描述团队成员的组成、工作任务的分配等。例如:

The project team is made up of experienced professionals from various fields.


2. 学术研究

在学术研究中,make up可以用于描述研究对象的构成,如实验样本、调查对象等。例如:

The sample for the study is made up of 500 participants from different age groups.


3. 日常生活

在日常生活中,make up常用于描述人们为了特定场合而化妆,或者在发生争执后与他人和解。例如:

She made up before attending the wedding.


After the misunderstanding, they made up and remained good friends.
