一、"look into" 的基本含义

"look into" 是一个表示“调查、研究、了解”的动词短语。它通常用于描述对某个问题、事件或情况进行深入的探究。这个短语可以用在多种场景中,包括工作、学术研究和日常生活中。例如:

1. The police are looking into the case to find the culprit.(警方正在调查此案以找到罪犯。)

2. I will look into the research methods used in this study.(我将研究本研究中使用的方法。)

3. She decided to look into the company's background before accepting the job offer.(在接受工作邀请之前,她决定了解这家公司的背景。)

二、"look into" 的用法

1. 表示调查或研究

"look into" 最常见的用法是表示对某个问题或事件进行调查和研究。在这种情况下,它通常用于正式场合,如法律、学术研究或商业领域。例如:

1) The committee will look into the allegations and report their findings next week.(委员会将调查这些指控,并在下周报告他们的发现。)

2) As a journalist, it's my responsibility to look into the truth behind the news stories.(作为一名记者,我有责任调查新闻背后的真相。)

2. 表示了解或获取信息

"look into" 还可以表示对某个主题或情况进行了解,以便获取相关信息。这种用法较为口语化,适用于日常交流。例如:

1) I'm thinking of buying a new car, so I'll look into the different models and prices.(我想买一辆新车,所以我将了解不同的型号和价格。)

2) Before we make any decisions, let's look into the pros and cons of each option.(在我们做决定之前,让我们了解每个选项的利弊。)

三、"look into" 的常见搭配

1. look into something

这是 "look into" 最常见的搭配,表示对某个事物进行调查或了解。例如:

1) We should look into the company's financial records to ensure everything is in order.(我们应该调查公司的财务记录,确保一切正常。)

2. look into somebody/oneself


1) The manager will look into the employee's performance to determine if any training is needed.(经理将调查员工的表现,以确定是否需要培训。)

2) She decided to look into herself and find out the reasons behind her anxiety.(她决定深入了解自己,找出焦虑背后的原因。)

四、"look into" 与其他短语的辨析

1. "look into" 与 "look for" 的区别

尽管 "look into" 和 "look for" 都可以表示寻找或调查,但它们的含义和用法有所不同。"look for" 表示寻找某物或某人,通常用于具体的、有形的目标。例如:

1) I'm looking for my keys; have you seen them?(我在找我的钥匙,你看到了吗?)

而 "look into" 则表示对某个问题或情况进行调查和了解,通常用于抽象的目标。例如:

1) I'll look into the problem and see if I can find a solution.(我将调查这个问题,看看我能否找到一个解决方案。)

2. "look into" 与 "inquire about" 的区别

"inquire about" 也是一个表示调查或了解的短语,但它通常用于正式场合,如商务或法律领域。"look into" 则更适用于日常交流。例如:

1) I'll inquire about the available options and get back to you.(我将了解可用的选项,并回复你。)

2) Please look into the matter and let me know what you find.(请调查此事,并告诉我你的发现。)

五、"look into" 的实际应用

为了更好地理解 "look into" 的用法,我们可以通过以下例句来加深印象:

1. The government is looking into the environmental impact of the proposed construction project.(政府正在调查拟议建设项目的环境影响。)

2. As a student, it's important to look into various sources of information to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.(作为一名学生,重要的是要调查各种信息来源,以全面了解主题。)

3. Before investing in a company, it's crucial to look into its financial health and management team.(在投资一家公司之前,了解其财务状况和管理团队至关重要。)