一、look up的基本含义

look up这个动词短语由动词“look”和副词“up”组成。在最基本的含义上,look up表示“向上看”或“抬头看”。这个短语可以用来形容一个人抬头观察某个物体或方向。例如:

1. I looked up at the sky and saw a beautiful rainbow.


然而,look up这个动词短语还有更丰富的用法和含义。


look up最常见的一个用法是表示“查找”或“搜索”信息。当我们需要在某个资源中寻找特定的信息时,可以使用这个短语。这里的资源可以是书籍、词典、互联网等。例如:

1. I need to look up the definition of this word in the dictionary.


2. She looked up the recipe online and started cooking.



look up还可以表示“拜访”或“探望”某人。这个用法通常用于表示在某个地方找到某人并与他们见面。例如:

1. I'm going to look up my old friend when I visit that city.


2. He looked up his cousin during his trip to the countryside.



look up还可以表示情况、状况或某人的生活“改善”或“变得更好”。这个用法通常用于描述负面情况向正面转变的过程。例如:

1. After the company implemented new policies, the work environment started to look up.


2. Her health began to look up after she changed her diet and exercise habits.


五、look up与look for的区别

虽然look up和look for都与“查找”有关,但它们的含义和用法有所不同。look up主要用于表示在资源中搜索信息或拜访某人,而look for则表示寻找某物或某人,通常用于描述一个持续的寻找过程。例如:

1. I am looking up information for my research project.


2. I have been looking for my lost keys all day.
