1. 停止工作或休息

当knock off用于表示停止工作或休息时,通常与时间或具体活动相关。这种用法常见于日常对话中,表示结束工作或学习,开始休息或享受闲暇时光。


a. We usually knock off at 5 p.m. on weekdays.


b. I need to knock off for a while and grab some lunch.


2. 抄袭或模仿

knock off还可以表示抄袭或模仿他人的作品、创意或产品。在这种用法中,knock off通常带有负面含义,暗示缺乏原创性和道德问题。


a. The company was accused of knocking off the competitor's product design.


b. Many people believe that the popular singer's latest hit was knocked off from a famous classical piece.


3. 减价或打折

在商业领域,knock off还可以表示减价或打折。这种用法通常用于描述商家为了促销或清仓而降低商品价格。


a. The store is knocking off 20% on all items during the sale.


b. They knocked off a significant amount from the original price of the car.


4. 击败或击倒

knock off还可以表示在比赛或战斗中击败或击倒对手。这种用法通常用于体育比赛或竞技场景中,强调胜利者的实力和技巧。



b. The boxer knocked off his rival with a powerful punch to the face.


5. 完成任务或目标

knock off还可以表示完成某个任务或实现某个目标。在这种用法中,knock off强调目标的实现和任务的完成。


a. She knocked off her to-do list in just one day.


b. The team is determined to knock off their sales target before the end of the month.


6. 使某人失去知觉或能力

最后,knock off还可以表示使某人失去知觉或能力。这种用法通常用于描述暴力行为或意外事故,强调受害者受到的严重伤害。


a. The thief knocked off the security guard with a heavy object.


b. The accident knocked off the driver, who was unconscious for several hours.
