一、"knock out of"的基本含义

"knock out of"这个动词短语有多种含义,最常见的是表示从某个地方或状态中移除或排除。它可以用在字面意义上,也可以用在比喻意义上。以下是一些常见的用法:

1. 字面意义:从某个地方移除或击出

例如:The player was knocked out of the game after suffering a leg injury.(在腿部受伤后,该球员被排除在比赛之外。)

2. 比喻意义:从某种状态中摆脱

例如:The sudden news knocked her out of her usual calm demeanor.(这突如其来的消息使她失去了平时的镇定自若。)

二、"knock out of"在不同场景中的运用

1. 体育竞技

在体育竞技中,"knock out of"常用来表示选手因受伤或其他原因被排除在比赛之外。例如:

- The boxer was knocked out of the championship after losing the final match.(在决赛中失利后,这位拳击手被排除在冠军赛之外。)

2. 工作与学习

在工作和学习场景中,"knock out of"可以表示某人因某种原因无法继续参与工作或学习。例如:

- Due to the pandemic, many employees were knocked out of their jobs.(由于大流行,许多员工失去了工作。)

3. 心理状态

"knock out of"也可以用来描述某人从某种心理状态中摆脱出来。例如:

- The therapist helped him knock the negative thoughts out of his mind.(心理治疗师帮助他摆脱了消极的思维。)

三、"knock out of"与其他短语的比较

1. "knock out of"与"knock out"的区别

"knock out"这个短语本身就有击倒、使失去知觉等意义。与"knock out of"相比,"knock out"更侧重于动作本身,而"knock out of"则强调从某种状态或情境中的改变。例如:

- The boxer knocked his opponent out in the third round.(在第三回合,这位拳击手击倒了对手。)

- The loud noise knocked him out of his deep sleep.(响亮的噪音使他从深度睡眠中惊醒。)

2. "knock out of"与"out of"的区别

"out of"是一个表示位置、状态或原因的介词短语,它与"knock"结合后,意义发生了变化。"knock out of"强调的是从某种状态或情境中的改变,而"out of"则更侧重于表示原因或来源。例如:

- She ran out of energy during the race.(在比赛过程中,她耗尽了能量。)

- The player was knocked out of the game due to an injury.(由于受伤,该球员被排除在比赛之外。)

四、"knock out of"的常见搭配

1. knock someone out of something


- The unexpected success knocked her out of her anxiety.(意外的成功使她摆脱了焦虑。)

2. knock something out of someone


- The doctor knocked the stone out of the patient's body.(医生从病人体内取出了结石。)