一、knock into 的基本含义

“knock into”是一个由动词“knock”和介词“into”组成的动词短语,其基本含义是“撞上”或“撞击”。它通常用于描述两个物体之间的碰撞,也可以用于比喻意义上的碰撞。例如:

1. He was knocked into the water by a passing boat.


2. The idea of a long vacation suddenly knocked into my mind.


二、knock into 的具体用法

1. 描述物理碰撞

“knock into”最常见的用法是描述两个物体之间的物理碰撞。在这种情况下,它通常用于表示意外碰撞,而不是故意的。例如:

1) She was walking down the street when she accidentally knocked into a路灯post.


2) The two cars knocked into each other during the heavy fog.


2. 比喻意义上的碰撞

除了描述物理碰撞之外,“knock into”还可以用于比喻意义上的碰撞。在这种情况下,它通常表示某种想法、情感或事件突然闯入某人的思维或生活。例如:

1) The realization knocked into her mind that she had made a mistake.


2) A sense of panic knocked into him as he realized he was lost in the forest.


三、knock into 与其他短语的区分

1. knock into 与 knock on

“knock on”是另一个常见的动词短语,它的含义是“敲门”或“敲击”。虽然“knock into”和“knock on”在发音上相似,但它们的含义和用法完全不同。例如:

1) She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.


2) He knocked into the glass door without realizing it.


2. knock into 与 bump into

“bump into”也是一个表示碰撞的动词短语,但它通常用于描述两个物体或人之间的轻微碰撞。与“knock into”相比,“bump into”更多地用于描述意外相遇。例如:

1) I bumped into an old friend while shopping at the mall.


2) The two cyclists bumped into each other and fell off their bikes.


四、knock into 的常见搭配

1. knock into someone/something

这是“knock into”最常见的搭配,表示撞上某个人或物体。例如:

1) He knocked into the table, causing the vase to fall and break.


2) Did you see who you knocked into when you were running?


2. knock into doing something


1) She knocked into fixing the computer for her neighbor.


2) He knocked into attending the meeting because his boss was sick.


五、knock into 的实际应用

1. 描述事故

在描述交通事故或其他意外碰撞时,“knock into”是一个非常实用的动词短语。例如:

1) The truck knocked into a tree on the side of the road.


2) The soccer ball knocked into the goal, winning the game for the team.


2. 表达想法或情感

在表达想法或情感时,“knock into”可以帮助我们更生动地描述它们对我们的影响。例如:

1) The news of the promotion knocked into her, making her feel both excited and nervous.


2) The sudden silence in the room knocked into a sense of unease among the guests.
