一、"keep out of" 的基本含义

"keep out of" 是一个表示避免参与或干预某事物的动词短语。它通常用于描述一个人试图远离某个问题、争论或困境,以免受到负面影响。例如,当一个人不想卷入一场争论时,他可能会说 "I'd better keep out of this argument."

二、"keep out of" 的具体用法

1. 避免参与争论或冲突

"keep out of" 常用于表示避免参与争论或冲突。在这种情况下,它通常与名词或动名词搭配使用。例如:

- I tried to keep out of the political debate that was going on in our office.


- It's wise to keep out of other people's fights if you don't want to get hurt.


2. 避免涉及敏感话题

"keep out of" 还可以表示避免涉及敏感话题,以免引起不必要的麻烦。例如:

- She knows how to keep out of controversial topics during a conversation.


- It's better to keep out of religion and politics when you're at a social gathering.


3. 避免进入特定区域

"keep out of" 还可以表示避免进入某个特定区域,以防止危险或遵守规定。例如:

- The security guard told us to keep out of the restricted area.


- Please keep out of the construction site for your own safety.


4. 避免干预他人事务

"keep out of" 还可以表示避免干预他人的事务,尊重他们的隐私和选择。例如:

- As a friend, you should learn to keep out of her personal life.


- It's not your responsibility to solve their problems, so it's better to keep out of it.


三、"keep out of" 的常见搭配

1. keep out of trouble


- If you don't want to end up in jail, you should keep out of trouble.


2. keep out of someone's way


- I'll just keep out of your way while you're working on the project.


3. keep out of it


- I don't want to take sides in this dispute, so I'll just keep out of it.


四、"keep out of" 与其他短语的辨析

1. keep out vs. keep out of

"keep out" 通常表示阻止某人或某物进入某个地方,而不涉及避免参与的问题。例如:

- The security system is designed to keep out intruders.


2. keep away from vs. keep out of

"keep away from" 表示保持距离,避免接近某个地方或事物。与 "keep out of" 相比,它更侧重于物理距离。例如:

- Please keep away from the edge of the cliff.
