一、“keep away from”的基本含义

“keep away from”是一个表示避免接近或远离某个地方、物体或人的动词短语。它通常用于提醒某人不要靠近可能存在危险或不良影响的事物。例如:

1. 为了安全起见,请远离火源。

Please keep away from the fire for safety.

2. 医生建议病人远离高脂肪食物。

The doctor advised the patient to keep away from high-fat foods.

二、“keep away from”的用法

1. 表示避免接近某个地方

当我们想要表达避免去某个地方时,可以使用“keep away from”这个短语。例如:

1) 由于疫情,政府要求人们远离公共场所。

Due to the pandemic, the government asked people to keep away from public places.

2) 孩子们在玩耍时,应远离河流以避免溺水。

Children should keep away from the river while playing to avoid drowning.

2. 表示避免接触某个物体

“keep away from”也可以用来表示避免接触某个物体,以防止损坏或受伤。例如:

1) 请将易碎物品放在孩子们够不到的地方。

Please keep fragile items away from children's reach.

2) 为了保护画作,观众需远离警戒线。

To protect the paintings, visitors should keep away from the警戒 line.

3. 表示避免与某人交往

“keep away from”还可以用来表示避免与某人交往,以免受到不良影响。例如:

1) 为了专心学习,你应该远离那些不爱学习的朋友。

To focus on your studies, you should keep away from friends who do not love learning.

2) 他尽量避开那些喜欢说闲话的同事。

He tries to keep away from colleagues who like gossiping.

三、“keep away from”的常见搭配

1. keep away from danger


1) 在野外露营时,要远离悬崖和险峻的山峰。

When camping in the wild, keep away from danger by staying away from cliffs and steep mountains.

2. keep away from temptation


1) 为了保持健康的生活方式,他努力远离诱惑,不吃垃圾食品。

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, he tries to keep away from temptation and avoid junk food.

四、“keep away from”与其他短语的辨析

1. keep away from vs. keep off

“keep off”表示避免接触或避免做某事。虽然两者有相似之处,但“keep off”更多地用于表示避免踏上某个表面或避免开始做某事。例如:

1) 请让宠物远离家具。

Please keep your pets off the furniture.

2) 他努力戒烟,不让自己上瘾。

He tried to keep off cigarettes to avoid getting addicted.

2. keep away from vs. stay away from

“stay away from”与“keep away from”意思相近,都表示避免接近。然而,“stay away from”更侧重于保持距离,而“keep away from”则更强调持续避免。例如:

1) 由于暴风雪,他决定留在室内,远离户外。

Due to the snowstorm, he decided to stay away from outdoors and stay indoors.

2) 为了保护皮肤,你应该持续远离阳光暴晒。

To protect your skin, you should keep away from sunburn by avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun.