## 一、基本含义

“Keep Off”主要表示“避开”、“不接触”或“远离”的意思,可以指人、物或特定的区域。它强调的是保持距离,避免进入或接触。此外,它还可以表示“不要打扰”或“不要触及某个话题”。

## 二、句型结构

1. 主语 + keep + off + 宾语


例句:Please keep your hands off the machinery.


2. 主语 + keep + oneself + off + 地点


例句:I always keep myself off crowded places during flu season.


3. 主语 + keep + 动名词


例句:Doctors advise us to keep off junk food for a healthy lifestyle.


## 三、相关例句与语境应用

### 1. 物理空间的远离

- Keep off the grass. (勿践踏草地。)

- Keep off the wet paint. (不要碰湿漆。)

- The sign says "Keep off the cliff edge" — it's dangerous. (标志上写着“远离悬崖边缘”,那很危险。)

### 2. 避免接触或涉及

- Keep off my personal belongings. (别碰我的私人物品。)

- Keep off the topic of politics in our discussion. (在我们的讨论中,不要涉及政治话题。)

- The boss asked everyone to keep off his office when he's in a meeting. (老板要求大家在他开会时不要进入他的办公室。)

### 3. 不要打扰或干预

- Keep off my phone calls when I'm working. (我在工作时,请不要打搅我的电话。)

- Could you please keep off my private life? (你能尊重我的私人生活,不要干涉吗?)

- The baby needs quiet, so please keep off the noise. (宝宝需要安静,所以请不要制造噪音。)

## 四、拓展用法

“Keep Off”还可以与其他词搭配,形成更丰富的表达:

1. Keep sb. off sth.:使某人远离某物

   - The teacher warned us to keep the children off the sharp knives. (老师警告我们要让孩子远离锋利的刀具。)

2. Keep off doing sth.:避免做某事

   - To stay fit, we should keep off overeating and smoking. (为了保持健康,我们应该避免暴饮暴食和吸烟。)

3. Keep sb. off doing sth.:阻止某人做某事

   - The strict rules kept him off committing any crimes. (严格的规则使他无法犯罪。)