Fall Down:英语动词短语的深度解析与应用


在英语学习中,掌握动词短语的用法是提升语言表达能力的关键一步。"Fall down"是一个常见的动词短语,其含义丰富,使用广泛。本文将详细解析"fall down"的含义、用法以及在不同语境中的具体应用,帮助学习者更准确地运用这一短语。

二、"Fall down"的基本含义

"Fall down"是由动词"fall"和副词"down"组成的短语,其基本含义是“落下”或“摔倒”。"Fall"表示“下降”的动作,而"down"强调这个动作的方向是向下。

三、"Fall down"的用法

1. 物理意义的“落下”或“摔倒”

   例句:The apple fell down from the tree.(苹果从树上掉下来了。)


   The child tripped and fell down.(孩子绊倒了,摔了下来。)

2. 比喻意义的“失败”或“崩溃”

   例句:Their plans fell down when the funding was withdrawn.(当资金撤回时,他们的计划失败了。)


   The government's popularity has been falling down since the scandal.(自从丑闻曝光以来,政府的支持率一直在下滑。)

3. 表示“降低”或“减弱”

   例句:His health has fallen down sharply after the long illness.(他久病之后,身体状况明显下降。)


   The temperature is falling down rapidly as winter approaches.(随着冬天的到来,气温正在快速下降。)

四、"Fall down"的同义短语和反义短语

1. 同义短语:drop, tumble, collapse, descend

   例句:She dropped her phone and it broke into pieces.(她手机掉了,摔成了碎片。)

2. 反义短语:rise up, stand up, lift up

   例句:After the fall, he struggled to rise up again.(摔倒后,他挣扎着再次站起来。)

五、"Fall down"的固定搭配和习语

1. fall down on the job: 表示“工作失职”或“不尽职”

   例句:He fell down on the job by missing an important deadline.(他因为错过了一个重要截止日期而在工作中失职。)

2. better to fall down than never to have tried: 表示“尝试过总比从未尝试要好”

   例句:Remember, it's better to fall down than never to have tried to fly.(记住,尝试过飞翔,哪怕摔倒,也比从未尝试要好。)