

### 一、介词用法

1. **表示空间穿越**


   - I walked through the forest to reach the other side.(我穿过森林到达了另一边。)

   - The light shines through the window.(光线透过窗户照进来。)

2. **表示时间的经过**


   - We've been friends through high school and college.(我们从小学到大学一直是朋友。)

   - She worked through the night to finish the project.(她熬夜工作完成了项目。)

3. **完成或经历过程**


   - He has seen the company through its ups and downs.(他见证了公司兴衰起伏的全过程。)

   - I managed to get through the difficult exam.(我成功地度过了那个艰难的考试。)

4. **借助或通过某种方式**


   - Communication is made possible through technology.(通过科技,沟通变得可能。)

   - She learned to play the piano through her teacher's guidance.(她在老师的指导下学会了弹钢琴。)

### 二、副词用法


- I finally got through my thesis.(我终于完成了我的论文。)

- We came through the storm safely.(我们安全地度过了暴风雨。)

- The project was seen through by our team.(项目由我们的团队完成。)

### 三、连词用法


- Through his hard work, he achieved success.(由于他的努力,他取得了成功。)

- She missed the flight through oversleeping.(因为她睡过头了,所以错过了航班。)

### 四、固定搭配


- **go through**:经历,仔细检查

   - She went through every detail of the contract.(她仔细检查了合同的每一个细节。)

- **look through**:浏览,看穿

   - I just looked through the report quickly.(我只是快速浏览了一下报告。)

- **live through**:度过,幸存

   - Few people could live through such a harsh winter.(很少有人能熬过如此严酷的冬天。)