Come Down 动词搭配的用法详解


Come down 是英语中一个常见的动词短语,其含义丰富,根据不同的上下文,可以表达多种意思。理解并正确使用come down的各种搭配是提高英语语言能力的关键之一。本文将详细解析come down在不同语境下的用法,帮助读者更好地掌握这一短语。


1. 表示“下降”或“落下来”

这是come down最基本的意思,常用于描述物体从高处向低处移动。例如:

- The apple fell from the tree and came down on the ground.(苹果从树上掉下来,落在地上。)

2. 表示“下来”,指人或动物从某个位置下来

- Please come down from the ladder. It's not safe up there.(请从梯子上下来,那里不安全。)


1. 指“情绪或状态的降低”

- After the exciting game, he finally came down from his high spirits.(激动人心的比赛过后,他终于从兴奋的状态中平静下来。)

2. “降落”或“抵达”

- The plane is coming down at the airport in half an hour.(飞机将在半小时后降落在机场。)

3. “减弱”或“减小”

- The rain has come down a bit, so we can continue our picnic.(雨小了一些,我们可以继续野餐了。)

4. “屈服”或“让步”

- She finally came down from her stubborn position and agreed to compromise.(她最终从固执的立场上退了下来,同意妥协。)

5. “公开批评”或“指责”

- The boss came down hard on him for being late to work again.(老板严厉地批评了他再次迟到。)

6. “药物效果减弱或消失”

- The effects of the painkillers have started to come down.(止痛药的效果开始减弱了。)


1. Come down to earth:回到现实,脚踏实地

- After dreaming about winning the lottery, she had to come down to earth and face her bills.(在梦想中彩票中奖后,她不得不回到现实,面对她的账单。)

2. Come down in the world:地位下降,境遇变差

- He was once a successful businessman, but after a series of failures, he has really come down in the world.(他曾是个成功的商人,但经过一系列失败后,他的处境大不如前了。)


Come down这个短语在英语中的应用广泛,不仅有物理上的“下降”,还涉及情绪、态度、影响力等多个层面。理解并灵活运用这些搭配,可以使我们的英语表达更加丰富和准确。在实际使用中,需要根据上下文判断最合适的含义,以避免误解。希望本文的解析能对你的英语学习有所帮助。