在英语中,“call out”是一个非常常见的动词短语,具有多种含义和用法。本文将详细解析“call out”的不同搭配及它们在不同语境下的具体含义,帮助你更好地理解和运用这个短语。


1. 呼叫,召唤

“Call out”最基本的意思是大声呼叫或召唤某人。例如:

- "The teacher called out my name in class."(老师在课堂上点了我的名字。)

- "The rescue team called out to the stranded climber."(救援队向被困的登山者大声呼喊。)

2. 指出,揭露

当“call out”与错误、不公正或不良行为相关时,它意味着指出或揭露。例如:

- "She called out her boss for favoritism."(她指出了老板的偏袒行为。)

- "Social media users are calling out the company for its environmental record."(社交媒体用户批评该公司的环保记录。)

二、“call out”与其他词的搭配

1. call out someone/something


- "He called out his friend for being late."(他责怪他的朋友迟到了。)

- "The activist called out the government's inadequate response to the crisis."(活动家批评政府对危机的应对不足。)

2. call out for help/assistance


- "She called out for help when she fell into the river."(她掉进河里时大声呼救。)

- "The injured hiker called out for assistance on his radio."(受伤的徒步者通过无线电求援。)

3. call out sick


- "I had to call out sick yesterday because of a fever."(我昨天因为发烧请病假了。)

4. call out (a mistake/lie)


- "The referee called out a foul during the game."(裁判在比赛中指出了一次犯规。)

- "The journalist called out the politician's false statements."(记者揭露了政客的虚假言论。)

5. call out (a problem/issue)


- "The report calls out the lack of diversity in the tech industry."(报告提出了科技行业缺乏多样性的问题。)

- "The activists called out the need for more affordable housing."(活动人士呼吁增加可负担住房。)

6. call out (someone) on something


- "I called him out on his inconsistent behavior."(我质问他前后矛盾的行为。)

- "She called him out on his rude comment, demanding an apology."(她就他的无礼评论质问他,要求他道歉。)