Call in动词搭配详解:用法、例句与应用指南


"Call in"是一个常见的英语短语动词,具有多种含义和用法。在不同的语境中,它可以表达“邀请进来”、“召唤”、“要求到场”、“打电话给某人”等意思。本文将详细解析"call in"的各种搭配,帮助读者理解和掌握其准确使用。

二、“Call in”的基本用法

1. 邀请或召唤某人来

   当"call in"用于邀请或召唤某人来时,通常是指请求某人到一个特定的地方。例如:

   - "We'll call in the doctor when she's feeling worse."(当她感觉更糟的时候,我们会请医生过来。)

   - "The manager asked me to call in for a meeting."(经理让我去参加一个会议。)

2. 请求援助或服务

   在这种情况下,"call in"意味着请求外部援助或服务。例如:

   - "We'll have to call in the fire department to put out the fire."(我们必须打电话叫消防队来灭火。)

   - "If you need help, don't hesitate to call in the police."(如果你需要帮助,不要犹豫,马上报警。)

3. 打电话给某人

   "Call in"也可用于表示通过电话联系某人。例如:

   - "I'll call in my friends for dinner tonight."(今晚我会打电话邀请朋友们来吃晚饭。)

   - "Remember to call in your mother on her birthday."(记得在她生日那天给她打电话。)

三、“Call in”的常见搭配

1. Call in sick


   - "I had to call in sick yesterday because of a bad headache."(因为头疼得厉害,我昨天不得不请病假。)

2. Call in a favor


   - "Now it's your turn to call in a favor; I need your assistance."(现在轮到你回报了,我需要你的帮助。)

3. Call in an expert


   - "When the problem became too complex, they decided to call in an expert."(当问题变得太复杂时,他们决定请专家来解决。)

4. Call in the troops


   - "With so much work to do, we'll have to call in the troops."(有这么多工作要做,我们得召集所有人帮忙。)


1. 语境的重要性

   "Call in"的含义很大程度上取决于上下文。因此,理解语境是准确使用的关键。

2. 注意动词后的宾语

   "Call in"后面通常跟人或者抽象的概念,如"help"、"aid"等。如果宾语是具体物品,可能需要添加介词"for",如"call in for a prescription"(打电话要药方)。