Break Down动词搭配的用法详解

在英语中,“break down”是一个非常常见的动词短语,其含义丰富多样,涵盖了从物理破坏到情感崩溃等多种情境。本文将详细解析“break down”的各种用法,帮助你更好地理解和运用这个短语。


1. 物理上的损坏或失效

例句:The old car finally broke down on the side of the road.(那辆旧车最终在路边抛锚了。)

2. 结构或系统的瓦解

例句:The bridge has started to break down due to years of neglect and weathering.(由于多年的忽视和风化,这座桥开始崩塌。)


1. 人因压力过大而情绪崩溃

例句:She was so exhausted that she broke down in tears after the long day at work.(她工作了一整天,疲惫不堪,最后崩溃地哭了。)

2. 心理健康状况恶化

例句:After his father's death, he completely broke down and needed professional help.(父亲去世后,他完全崩溃了,需要专业的心理援助。)


1. 化学或物质的分解

例句:The scientists are studying how these pollutants break down in the atmosphere.(科学家们正在研究这些污染物如何在大气中分解。)

2. 将复杂事物简化或细分

例句:Let's break down the project into smaller tasks to make it more manageable.(让我们把这个项目分解成更小的任务,以便于管理。)


1. 协商或讨论无法达成一致

例句:Talks between the two countries broke down over the disputed territory.(两国关于争议领土的谈判破裂了。)

2. 计划或努力未能成功

例句:Despite our best efforts, the marketing campaign broke down and failed to attract customers.(尽管我们尽了最大努力,但营销活动还是失败了,没能吸引顾客。)


1. 分析并解释复杂的信息

例句:The teacher had to break down the complex math problem for us to understand it.(老师不得不把复杂的数学问题解析给我们听才能让我们理解。)

2. 使某人明白

例句:I'll break it down for you: you need to work harder if you want to pass the exam.(我会给你解释清楚:如果你想通过考试,你就需要更加努力学习。)


1. 活动或过程的暂停

例句:The meeting broke down due to a power outage.(由于停电,会议中断了。)

2. 机器或设备停止运行

例句:The printer broke down just when I needed to print the report.(我正需要打印报告时,打印机出故障了。)