"Break Away From"动词搭配的用法详解
在英语中,"Break Away From"是一个常见的动词短语,它在各种语境下都有不同的含义和用法。这个短语的核心概念是“脱离”或“离开”,但其具体含义可以根据上下文有所变化。本文将详细解析"Break Away From"的不同用法,帮助你更准确地运用到你的写作和表达中。
## 1. 基本含义:物理上的分离或脱离
"Break Away From"的基本含义是指从某个物理束缚或限制中解脱出来。例如:
- After the earthquake, the building broke away from its foundation, causing it to collapse. (地震后,大楼从地基上断裂,导致其倒塌。)
- The horse broke away from its reins and galloped into the field. (那匹马挣脱了缰绳,奔向田野。)
## 2. 摆脱情感或心理依赖
在情感或心理层面上,"Break Away From"可以表示摆脱某种情感束缚或心理依赖。例如:
- She finally found the courage to break away from her abusive relationship. (她终于鼓起勇气离开了那个虐待她的关系。)
- He decided to break away from his father's business empire and start his own venture. (他决定脱离父亲的企业帝国,开始自己的创业之路。)
## 3. 政治或社会运动中的脱离
在政治或社会语境中,"Break Away From"常用于描述国家、团体或个人从更大的组织或体制中独立或分离出去。例如:
- In 1776, the American colonies broke away from British rule to form the United States. (1776年,美国殖民地从英国统治中独立,成立了美国。)
- Several members of the political party have broken away from the main group to form a new faction. (该政党的一些成员已脱离主体,形成新的派系。)
## 4. 突破常规或习惯
在创新和自我提升的语境中,"Break Away From"可以指摆脱旧习惯或传统,寻求新的方向。例如:
- To succeed in the competitive industry, we need to break away from our conventional thinking. (要在竞争激烈的行业中取得成功,我们需要打破常规思维。)
- The artist broke away from traditional styles and developed a unique, avant-garde approach. (这位艺术家脱离了传统风格,发展出一种独特的前卫艺术手法。)
## 5. 体育比赛中的摆脱
在体育比赛中,"Break Away From"常常用来描述运动员或队伍从对手的防守中逃脱或领先。例如:
- The sprinter broke away from the pack in the final stretch, securing the gold medal. (短跑选手在最后阶段突然加速,成功甩开其他选手,赢得了金牌。)
- The hockey team executed a perfect breakaway play, scoring an uncontested goal. (冰球队完美地执行了一次突破进攻,轻松得分。)