

## 1. 基本用法


- He warned me about the coming storm. (他警告我即将有暴风雨。)

## 2. “Warn sb. of/against sth.”


- The teacher warned us of the potential dangers in the experiment. (老师警告我们实验中可能存在的危险。)

- My friend warned me against trusting strangers online. (我的朋友警告我不要在网上相信陌生人。)

## 3. “Warn sb. to do sth.”


- The doctor warned me to take my medicine regularly. (医生警告我要按时服药。)

- The police warned drivers to slow down on icy roads. (警察警告司机在结冰的路面上要减速行驶。)

## 4. “Warn sb. that-clause”


- The weather forecast warned that heavy rain was expected later in the day. (天气预报警告说晚些时候可能会有大雨。)

- Parents often warn their children that smoking is harmful to health. (父母常常警告孩子吸烟对健康有害。)

## 5. “Warn sb. + 现在分词”


- The teacher warned us cheating in exams would lead to severe consequences. (老师警告我们考试作弊会有严重的后果。)

- The traffic sign warns drivers speeding could result in accidents. (交通标志警告司机超速可能导致事故。)

## 6. 注意事项

- “Warn”通常用于负面的情况,如果要表达积极的提醒,可以使用“advise”或“remind”。

- “Warn”后接的宾语补足语如果是名词,常使用介词“about”或“of”,如:“warn sb. about/of sth.”;如果宾语补足语是句子,使用“that”。

## 实例分析

错误示例:She warned me the thief was in the house.

正确示例:She warned me that the thief was in the house.
