


1. **物理收缩**

   - 例句1:When you wash a cotton T-shirt, it often shrinks in the dryer.(当你洗棉质T恤时,它通常会在烘干机里收缩。)

   - 例句2:The woolen sweater shrank after I washed it in hot water.(我在热水中洗了羊毛衫后,它缩水了。)

2. **数量或价值减少**

   - 例句3:The company's profits have shrunk significantly due to the economic downturn.(由于经济衰退,公司的利润大幅下降。)

   - 例句4:The population of polar bears is shrinking rapidly because of climate change.(由于气候变化,北极熊的数量正在迅速减少。)

3. **心理畏缩或恐惧**

   - 例句5:At the sight of the snake, she couldn't help shrinking back.(看到蛇,她不由自主地畏缩了。)

   - 例句6:He shrank from taking on the responsibility of leading the team.(他害怕承担领导团队的责任。)


- 在这个意义上,“shrink”通常指的是心理医生或心理咨询师,尤其是在美国口语中。

   - 例句7:She's been seeing her shrink once a week to deal with her anxiety.(她每周都会去看一次心理咨询师来处理她的焦虑问题。)


1. **Contract** - 更侧重于物质物体的物理缩小,如“The rubber band contracts when cooled.”(橡胶带冷却时会收缩。)

2. **Reduce** - 普遍用于描述数量、大小、程度等的减少,如“We need to reduce our carbon emissions.”(我们需要减少碳排放。)

3. **Withdraw** - 常用于描述人或动物因恐惧或紧张而退缩的行为,如“He withdrew his hand when he felt the heat.”(他感觉到热度时收回了手。)

4. **Psychotherapist** - 是更正式的术语,用来代替“shrink”作为心理治疗师的意思,如“He's a well-respected psychotherapist.”(他是一位备受尊敬的心理治疗师。)