

1. 赋予特质或属性:这个词常用来表示赋予某人或物一种特殊的品质、特性或能力。例如,“The university was endowned with a vast library, making it a hub of academic excellence.”(这所大学拥有庞大的图书馆,使其成为学术卓越的中心。)

2. 提供资金:在财务或经济的语境中,"endow"常常指提供基金或捐赠,以支持某个项目或机构的运作。例如,“John endows a scholarship to support underprivileged students.”(约翰设立奖学金来资助贫困学生。)

3. 给予权利或特权:在法律或社会结构中,endow也可指赋予某人特定的权利或特权。例如,“The constitution endows citizens with the right to free speech.”(宪法赋予公民言论自由的权利。)


1. 用于人:She endows her characters with unique personalities and deep emotions.(她赋予她的角色独特的个性和深厚的情感。)

2. 用于事物:The government has endowned the new research center with cutting-edge technology.(政府为新的研究中心配备了尖端技术。)

3. 用于机构:The wealthy philanthropist decided to endow the local arts council with a generous donation.(这位富有的慈善家决定向当地艺术委员会慷慨捐赠。)

4. 用于权利:The treaty endows all member states with equal voting rights.(该条约赋予所有成员国平等的投票权。)


1. Bestow:与Endow相似,Bestow也表示给予或赠予,但更常用于非物质的东西,如荣誉、礼物或权力。例如,“The queen bestowed knighthood upon him for his bravery.”(女王因其勇敢而授予他爵士封号。)

2. Confer:这个词也意味着赋予或授予,通常在正式的场合使用,如授予学位或权利。例如,“The university will confer degrees upon its graduates during the commencement ceremony.”(大学将在毕业典礼上授予毕业生学位。)

3. Invest:除了投资的含义,Invest还可以表示赋予某人职位、权力或特性。例如,“The board of directors invested her with the responsibility of CEO.”(董事会赋予她CEO的职责。)

4. Empower:Empower强调给予某人能力或权力,使他们能够做出改变或实现目标。例如,“The program empowers women by providing them with education and job training.”(该项目通过提供教育和职业培训赋予女性力量。)