


1. 地理位置:指位于另一大陆或海洋另一边的地方,如“overseas countries”(海外国家)。

2. 国际关系:用于描述国际间的交流、贸易或关系,如“overseas trade”(国际贸易)。

3. 居住或工作:指在国外居住或工作的人,如“overseas workers”(海外劳工)。

4. 时间或历史:在某些语境下,"overseas"也可以指过去的某个时期,特别是在谈论战争时,如“wartime overseas service”(战时海外服役)。


1. 地理位置:Our company has expanded and now has offices overseas in London and Tokyo.


2. 国际关系:The country is seeking to increase its overseas exports to stimulate economic growth.


3. 居住或工作:My sister moved overseas for a job opportunity, and she's been living in Australia for five years now.


4. 时间或历史:Many veterans still recall their overseas service during World War II with great pride.



1. Abroad:与“overseas”相似,"abroad"也表示在国外或海外,但其含义更广泛,不局限于海洋的另一边。例如,“He went abroad for his higher studies.”(他出国深造。)

2. International:这个词强调的是跨越国家或国际的性质,而不仅仅是地理位置。例如,“We have international clients from all over the world.”(我们的客户遍布世界各地。)

3. Foreign:"Foreign"强调的是非本国的或异国的,可以用来形容人、事物或地方。例如,“She speaks fluent foreign languages.”(她能流利地说外语。)

4. Global:"Global"侧重于全球范围,涵盖了所有国家和地区,不仅限于海外。例如,“The impact of climate change is a global issue.”(气候变化的影响是一个全球性问题。)