
## 1. 基本释义

### 1.1 物理空间的指向

"Direction" 最基本的含义是指空间中的位置或移动的方向,如北、南、东、西,或者上、下、左、右等。例如:

- "Please tell me the direction to the nearest library."(请告诉我去最近图书馆的方向。)

### 1.2 指导或指示


- "The teacher gave us clear directions on how to complete the project."(老师给我们提供了如何完成项目的明确指导。)

### 1.3 职业或生活的导向


- "After years of uncertainty, she finally found a clear direction for her career."(经历了多年的迷茫后,她终于找到了职业生涯的明确方向。)

## 2. 用法例句

- "The compass pointed in the opposite direction from where we thought we were going."(指南针指向了我们认为相反的方向。)

- "The company needs a new direction to stay competitive in the market."(公司需要一个新的发展方向来保持市场竞争力。)

- "He sought advice from a career counselor to find his professional direction."(他向职业顾问寻求建议,以找到自己的职业方向。)

## 3. 同义词辨析

### 3.1 Guide


- "The tour guide showed us around the city."(导游带我们游览了这座城市。)

### 3.2 Instruction


- "Follow the instructions on the package carefully."(仔细按照包装上的说明操作。)

### 3.3 Guidance


- "She offered emotional guidance to help him through the difficult time."(她提供了情感上的指导帮助他度过难关。)

### 3.4 Course


- "She changed the course of her life by pursuing her passion for music."(她通过追求对音乐的热爱改变了生活轨迹。)